Surrey Critical Mass

Surrey Critical Mass
We're not blocking traffic: we are traffic!

Thanks to all who rode!

Surrey's first Critical Mass happened Saturday, March 24th (2007). We met at 3:30pm in the square under Central City tower, within view of the Surrey Central SkyTrain Station, and left at 4pm in a light drizzle. Do we want to do more rides? Let's talk. Send us an email at (and send us photos for posting too!)

Monday, March 5, 2007

Posters and Flyers!

So a big part of Critical Mass is getting the word out beforehand. Please take a minute to download and print out a poster or flyer page, make photocopies, and put them up somewhere visible or hand them out to cyclists (or aspiring cyclists!) you know.

Click on an image to download that PDF! Files are all less than 500K.

"SurreySign" flyer & poster

"Surrey Coat-of-bikes" poster & flyers (double-sided)

Please email us at if you have difficulty downloading any of the above files and we'll email them to you directly.

Remember: Critical Mass is a xerocracy, and you are highly encouraged to promote it in your own way. If you want to design your own poster, get to it!

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